Women Are Most Attracted to Men Who Drive Pickups: Study

Sami Haj-Assaad
by Sami Haj-Assaad
The 2015 Ford F-250 Super Duty King Ranch, unveiled at the 2013 State Fair of Texas. Upgrades include new exterior colors and a richer leather interior.

Looking for a new set of wheels that will catch the attention of the crush in your life? A well timed study (Valentines Day is coming up) reveals that women see attractive men as driving, not sports cars, but pickup trucks.

The study asked 2,000 men and women what type, brand and color of vehicle are driven by the most fetching members of the opposite sex. Women ranked pickup trucks as the most common vehicle driven by attractive men, followed by sports cars and SUVs. Sadly, the study found that women aren’t seeing much eye candy from guys in mail trucks, which was last on the list.

Men on the other hand ranked sports cars as the vehicle driven by attractive females, while sedans and SUVs come in second and third respectively. Apparently, men don’t see many attractive ladies driving minivans, with that coming in last.

SEE ALSO: Top 10 Trucks for Urban Cowboys

Men and women also ranked the brands and car colors driven by the attractive folk. Females noticed that attractive men drive Fords, Chevrolets and Porsches with Black being the color of choice. Males stated that attractive women drive red, black or silver BMWs, Mercedes’ and Porsches.

The study also found a few auto-related turn-offs. Bad music and loud exhaust turned away women, while men don’t appreciate political bumper stickers and dented cars. Both men and women can’t stand cigarette butts in the ashtray and trash on the seats.

Sami Haj-Assaad
Sami Haj-Assaad

Sami has an unquenchable thirst for car knowledge and has been at AutoGuide for the past six years. He has a degree in journalism and media studies from the University of Guelph-Humber in Toronto and has won multiple journalism awards from the Automotive Journalist Association of Canada. Sami is also on the jury for the World Car Awards.

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